Our youtube Channel Just crossed 25000 Subscriber. Thanks a lot for all your support. From 0 to 25000 you all with me and make this possible. So Now its time to gift you some items. Now In this GiveAway total 5 lucky person will be selected. Let' check The Items first that i am going to give you. --
1 DC High Speed 795 Motor
2 DC 12v 555 Motor
3 DC single Usb Power bank Module
4 DC 390 9-12v Motor
5 DC 3-9v Water Pump
Any of this 5 items You can get in this Giveaway.
Now the rules of this GiveAway Is -----
you need to SignUp in Our HeadlinesoPedia Website
You need to subscribe Our youtube Channel ( link -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM2YDMSjAv5TsbjpLk7EQsA)
You need to subscribe our 2nd youtube Channel ( Link - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs_8Wi7-NWEKZktxykdwEDQ?view_as=subscriber)
you need to follow and like My Facebook page ( link - https://www.facebook.com/sayan.creation)
You need to follow my Instagram (link - https://www.instagram.com/sayandalal2/)
Now you just need to comment on this blog only. Comments in Youtube and any other social platform will not be accepted. Just in This Blog Comments will be select for this GiveAway.
Now what you need to comment --
1 Full name
(here put your full original name, and if you selected in Giveaway i may ask your identity proof to verify this name - voter card/aadhar card etc)
3 write which item you want to get within this 5 Items
4 write why you want to get that item and where you want to use this.
After announcement of this giveaway you can get up to 2 week to participate in this giveaway by following this rule.
After that we will declare the result. If you are selected then you need to Send your details like name, address, contact no to me via WhatsApp. After that i will courier you and you get home delivery within a week.
Shaik Afrin
795 dc motor
To make drill , cutting machine etc.
Shaik Karimulla
795 dc motor
I want to make a remote car with this powerful monster motor.
D Venkata rajesh
Mujae 795 dc motor chaiyae
Mai wood cutting , drilling machine banana chahatahu
Shaik saifulla
I want 795 dc motor
I want to make a powerful drill machine.
I want 795 dc motor
I want because I will do some project with that and for that I want drilling cutting etc.