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Control 775 Using Arduino Code

Coding for 775 dc motor with Arduino. You can code to control dc motor according to your wish. this coding help to on the motor for some time and off the motor for some time. change the timing if you need. The controller board is Arduino. And relay board is needed to connect the motor with the Arduino.

//Here it the Code --

//Control 775 Motor Using Arduino

//Created by SAYAN DALAL On 10/3/2020

const int motor = 2; // motor assign to pin no.2

void setup()


pinMode(motor, OUTPUT); //pin 2 assign as output


void loop()


digitalWrite(motor, HIGH); // motor on for 5 sec


digitalWrite(motor, LOW); // motor off for 5 sec


digitalWrite(motor, HIGH); // motor on for 8 sec


digitalWrite(motor, LOW); // motor off for 4 sec



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